Tag Archives: Uncle Zeb

Jack Swagger…a REAL All American American!

Jack Swagger took a leave of absence from the WWE in late 2012, only to re-emerge in 2013 more American than ever. He had always touted being an All American American, but with his ‘uncle’ Zeb Colter, suddenly his ideals were different. He was more American than ever, no longer sporting a golden boy smile but a rough, scruffy look and a huskier base than ever. It was no surprise that his new, subtle changes would be something fans of Mattel WWE figures sought to update their collections with. After a few hiccups and plenty of time, finally Jack Swagger arrived in Mattel WWE Elite 26, simply telling the rest of the world “Don’t Tread On Me!”

Mattel WWE Elite 26 Jack Swagger!

Mattel WWE Elite 26 Jack Swagger!

For those looking for a more basic Swagger, the same updated look luckily appeared in Mattel WWE Series 36. We The People, indeed:

Don't Tread on Me! Jack Swagger in Mattel WWE Series 36!

Don’t Tread on Me! Jack Swagger in Mattel WWE Series 36!

Jack Swagger’s new ideals have given him a unique quality that even caught the attention of political figureheads like Glenn Beck. Perhaps it wouldn’t be the same without the addition of his Uncle Zeb Colter, whose Tea Party-like ideals have influenced Swagger. Luckily, he will be able to accompany either of your Swagger figures as he is appearing in an upcoming Mattel WWE WrestleMania Heritage set!

Defender of the American Way, Mattel WWE Zeb Colter!

Defender of the American Way, Mattel WWE Zeb Colter!

See all of the Real American Jack Swagger’s items here!